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to The Next Level

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About Company

Plastic waste collection and recycling company

Route 360 Solutions Initiative is a plastic recycling company in Sierra Leone. We collect and transform plastic waste into eco-friendly pavement blocks for home and outdoor pavement.

At Route 360 Solutions Initiative, we’re more than just a plastic recycling company. We’re a team of passionate Sierra Leoneans tackling two crucial challenges: plastic pollution and climate change. We believe in taking waste and transforming it into something powerful – climate-friendly, durable construction materials for our homes and outdoor areas.

Our Services

We Provide High Quality & Eco-Friendly Construction Materials

Plastic Recycling

The journey begins with collecting plastic waste from homes and community waste centers. This not only cleans up the environment but also prevent plastic waste from landfills and waterways.

Pavement Blocks

Route 360 Solutions Initiative transforms plastic into durable, eco-friendly pavement blocks. These construction materials are not only strong but also cheaper than their traditional counterparts, making them ideal for construction activties.

Paving stone worker is putting down pavers during a construction of a city street.
Pavement Tile Installation

Route 360 Solutions Initiative doesn't stop at pavement block production. We also pave sidewalks, roads, and other outdoor spaces, using our climate-friendly pavement tiles.

Why Choose Us

Five Reasons For People Choosing Us

Quality Material

Our pavement blocks are twice stronger than their traditional counterparts.


Our construction materials are cheaper than conventional pavement tiles.

Trained Workers

Our works is done by seasoned environment practioners and engineers with over four years of industrial experience.

Time Availability

We are ever-ready

Water and Damp Resistant

Our construction materials do not absorb water or tolerate dampness.

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Our Targeted SDG's

We strive to create jobs and other income-generating opportunities for Sierra Leoneans, especially marginalized youth and women in underserved communities.

We work to solve environmental problems in Sierra Leone while creating employment and other income-generating opportunities for women and building their capacity to unleash their full potential.

We help promote clean water and sanitation access in Sierra Leone by preventing climate change impacts and plastic waste leakages into freshwater resources. 

By placing humanity, inclusion, technological innovation, and employment at the forefront, we relentlessly promote decent work and economic growth in Sierra Leone.

We contribute to this SDG by our approach to combat plastic pollution and climate change, using plastic waste as an alternative to virgin cement to manufacture our climate-friendly construction materials. 

 While sustainable job creation could help reduce the issue of income inequality and help achieve SDG 10 by 2030, we are empowering low-income earners in Sierra Leone by creating jobs and other income-generating opportunities for them.

We are committed to ensuring affordable construction needs in Sierra Leone are met by using our eco-friendly materials to construct climate-resilient homes and walkways in the Freetown City Municipality.

We are working to achieve the 1.5℃ target by 2030. We build the capacity of households, local communities, and marginalized youth and women, providing them with proper waste management training to combat climate change.

With 84% of plastic waste mismanaged in Sierra Leone, with the majority, especially single-use plastics, ends up in the ocean, we collaborate with households, local communities, and community waste centers to prevent leakages into Sierra Leone marine environment.